First of all, thanks to
the Almighty God who has given me the grace to be a writer in this blog. My name is Meidhy Purwanegara Alamsyah. I studied at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED). My majors is English Diploma Program. The reason why I made this blog is
to complete the assignment that has been given by Mr. Rosyid Dodiyanto as the
lecturer of Creative Writing. Moreover, I hope this blog can give lots of good
information to the readers.
Although the
creation of this blog having a lot of problems and barriers, but due to the guidance of my
lecturer and support from all of my friends who are always there to help, then the problems may be resolved. And
for that I would like to say a lot of thanks to them. May the Almighty God
always bless them at any time.
Finally, I hope this blog can be useful for the authors and the readers in